These are the students from 2017 class

Carlos Labão-Almeida
“My enthrallment for the unknown and commitment to learning is what led me to pursue a career in science. Throughout my academic path, I became increasingly fascinated by the field of Immunology, which prompted me to proceed my MSc degree in Medical Biochemistry. I was fortunate enough to work in an Immunology-focused research group at Instituto de Medicina Molecular (iMM), in Lisbon, Portugal. I decided to apply to the LisbonBioMed International PhD Programme, because I found that the given opportunity of working in a top-class research institute as iMM would provide me the possibility of not only broadening my theoretical and experimental knowledge in a broad range of research areas but also to thrive as an academic scientist.”

Elvira Leites
“Since the beginning of my graduation in Genetics and Biotechnology, in University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, I tried to experience and undertake science in all environments and forms. When I got my Master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology in University of Coimbra, I have had contact with diagnosis and research-based routines being in either the hospital, pharmaceutical and the academic environments. Besides the fact that these different experiences had been very enriching, they also helped to decide what I wanted for professional future. I realized that pursuing a scientific career in biomedical research is the only path that would fully fulfill me, and what better than the LisbonBioMed PhD program to do it? I had the opportunity to start my PhD at IMM that is one of the greatest biomedical research institutions in Europe, composed by outstanding researchers, and that has an exceptional environment. This step in my scientific career will definitely help me achieving all my future goals.”

Eunice Paisana
“Ever since I was very young, I knew I had to pursue a career related to Biology, which drove me, later on in life, to apply and complete a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Universidade Nova de Lisboa). My experience on different research environments made me very keen on Biomedical Research, with a more translational approach, leading me to enrol and graduate as a MSc in Cancer Immunology and Biotecnology at the University of Nottingham. Between both my previous academic experiences, I got in touch with the research done at iMM, working as an intern. The great work environment together with the advantage of a close interaction between the Institute, the Hospital and the Medical School, lead me to see the iMM as the perfect place to develop my PhD project. During the first eight weeks of the LisbonBioMed we had the opportunity to get in touch with the different fields of the research done at the Institute, allowing us to make an informed decision on which group we should integrate and the project to embrace for the next four years of our PhD. I am very glad I got the opportunity to belong to the LisbonBioMed PhD program, an experience that has been one of the most amazing and challenging in my academic life.”

Helena Pinheiro
“I believe that I naturally pursued a scientific career due to my inquisitive nature: my Biochemistry degree allowed me to observe the surrounding world with an extra layer of complexity and to perceive how basic biological mechanisms orchestrated such intricate processes. Later, I joined the Biomedical Research master in Coimbra, where I had the opportunity to study the effects of antenatal glucocorticoids in brain structure and development and their putative implications in brain pathology. Currently, I have the opportunity to develop my PhD under the supervision of Dr Edgar Gomes in the exciting iMM scientific environment and surrounded by amazing and motivating colleagues from the LisbonBioMed program.”

Henrique Machado
“I come from Braga in northern Portugal, where I’ve spent most of my time before moving to Lisbon. As far as I can recall, I’ve always been a curious person and especially fond of natural sciences. Upon completing my graduation in Biochemistry at the University of Minho, I realized that what I really wanted to do was to keep on learning and being able to think and answer my own questions. Thus, doing research seemed to be the most fulfilling option. Accordingly, I enrolled a research oriented MSc program in Health Sciences at the ICVS. There, I grew increasingly interested in the interactions between host and pathogens, largely from an immunological standpoint. After a couple of short research fellowships I was fortunate enough to be granted a position in the LisbonBioMed PhD program. So far it has been a blast! The initial eight weeks training module fosters an amazing environment for scientific discussion which really helped me identify the current gaps of knowledge in a wide variety of research areas. This really helps you find a research project that you are passionate about, and chances are, you might find yourself switching to a new research field altogether. Indeed, the LisbonBioMed program and the iMM are ideal for young researchers who wish to thrive amidst a great scientific community.”

João Sabino
“I am a recently graduated engineer that just decided to pursue a path in science. At first, it was the eagerness to understand the hidden laws underneath every single phenomenon around us that led me to Instituto Superior Técnico, where I studied Biological Engineering for 5 years. Once I got the chance to contact with biomedical research, as part of my master thesis internship at iMM, I became fascinated by a particular elementary “code” of nature and a cornerstone of life itself: the genome. I believe that a deep knowledge of our genetic regulation, such as how it coordinates diverse cellular functions, shapes environmental and time-dependent adaptations, and ultimately dictates cell fate, is the key to unravel some of the leading biomedical questions of our time. Therefore, joining LisbonBioMed PhD program came as a natural step for me to take, in order to develop my work on a top-notch scientific institute, supported by outstanding facilities and surrounded by exciting and challenging minds. Regarding non-scientific subjects, I am an easy-going person and an animal lover, committed to raise awareness about animal rights. Besides, I enjoy meeting new people and exploring unexpected places.”

Luís Monteiro
“Being an MD currently attending the residency of Clinical Hematology in Hospital dos Capuchos, I soon understood how challenging cancer biology is. But lately, I also started to feel frustrated by realizing how little is known and applied in my everyday practice. The gap that exists between the clinical and the research fields is undoubtedly a big setback in our patients’ hope and this has to change… Personally, I found the need to deepen my knowledge in cancer, with a particular focus in Leukemia, and I saw the LisbonBioMed PhD program as a great chance to do so. By integrating a team with a different background but that shares the same main interest, I think I will improve as a doctor, as a scientist and ultimately as a person, developing a set of skills that will hopefully be useful in the fight against leukemia. Even though my background constrained my personal choices within the iMM labs, the LisbonBioMed PhD program exposes us to newer and broader horizons on a daily basis, teasing our curiosity for different scientific fields, and developing this ultimate characteristic that a Scientist needs – a curious mind.”

Marcin Makowski
“I felt in love with the secrets of nature very early in my childhood. In fact, my deepest desire was to become a Naturalist. Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for many tadpoles), my parents and I seized every opportunity to escape the rush of the big city (Madrid, Spain) to our little cottage in the countryside. This provided the perfect scenario to pursue my dream of becoming a new Attenborough. Not surprisingly, many years later I entered the faculty of Biology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. These years consolidated my love for biology and showed me what being a biologist is. To try to solve the never ending puzzle posed by the most fascinating natural force: evolution. My path led me to study a master’s degree in microbiology in Lisbon. During my master’s thesis (at the iMM) I got came across an extremely interesting group of molecules: antimicrobial peptides. Because my curiosity on this matter was still far from being fulfilled, I took the decision to further pursue a PhD. I considered the LisbonBioMed PhD program a great opportunity, in a renowned institution with an extremely good scientific environment. And in a great city!”

Marco Cavaco
“I graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon. During the course of my degree, I had a chance to join different labs and develop different projects. Thus, the interest for science was growing and I realized that I would like to pursue my career in research. Applied immunology, therapeutic proteins development, and nanomedicines were my main areas of interest, so I decided to look for an Institute where I could develop my PhD project in one or more of these areas. The Instituto de Medicina Molecular soon pump out as the place where I wanted to be. The research developed in this institute was always extremely excited to me and the incredible facilities that it has is a plus that I would like to explore. Then, I saw that the LisbonBioMed program was perfect for my interests. The interdisciplinarity of the program, the opportunity to discuss science with all the investigators in a relaxed environment, and the incredible support that is given to the new ones are key features of the program. Since I am here, all my expectations are being confirmed and the more I know about both the Institute and the PhD program, the more I realize that I made a good choice. I can only hope that this big family continues to grow and that all of us continue to do what we want to do – Science with Quality.”

Mariana Ferreira
“I have always been fascinated by science and technology challenges and very curious about how nature works. I studied biomedical engineering because of its multidisciplinary essence, that taught me about versatile solutions applicable to complex medical or biological problems. While working on my Master’s thesis at a computational biology lab, I strongly reinforced my ambition to become a scientist, since I was getting more and more excited with what I was learning about molecular biology and biostatistics. But each (un)answered question opens the door for a whole collection of new doubts and, consequently, the next logical step for me was to proceed to a PhD. Therefore, I applied to the LisbonBioMed PhD Program and was delighted to be selected to be part of this community. iMM has an incredibly stimulating environment, where the excellence of investigation and the permanent discussion come together (and close) to clinical applications. Also, the initial intense scientific training offered by the program, composed by two months of classes and projects focused on a vast range of cutting-edge biology topics, is the perfect kick-start for stimulating your mind into the field that motivates you the most and, then, conceiving the question you want to pursue for your PhD.”

Patrícia Abreu
“From my point of view, there is no greater mystery in Life than Life itself, and I have always been a fan of solving mysteries. Thus, I have set as my goal to help understand Life intricacies and contribute to improve the human condition. Working towards the accomplishment of this goal, I decided to study Biochemistry, having obtained my Bachelor and Master degrees in this area at the University of Coimbra. After graduation, I knew I wanted to continue studying biomedical sciences and, also, that in order to build a strong scientific career, as I desire, I needed to prosecute my studies in an environment that offered more stimulating challenges and promising opportunities. In this frame, the LisbonBioMed PhD program, being held at an institute of excellence and in the forefront of biomedical research in Portugal – iMM, offered everything I was looking for, and, so, I could not be happier when I was accepted. So far, I can say that all my expectations have been exceeded! During the first months, I had the chance to broaden my research interests by interacting with the iMM researchers, and to meet some amazing people that will make this journey even more joyful. And now, every day I can breathe the atmosphere of commitment to knowledge involving iMM, contact with all the innovative and outstanding research being conducted in the institute, and grow within its standards of excellence while developing my PhD project in the exciting field of telomere biology.”

Rita Soares
“I am Biomedical Engineer, graduated by Instituto Superior Técnico and Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Since the beginning of my course I was fascinated by the investigation field and its potential in changing the medicine in the future. My first contact with investigation was during my master thesis where I had the opportunity to study the role of a bile acid in improving survival and function of neural stem cells. This work was integrated within a partnership between iMM and Research Institute for Medicines (iMed), from Faculty of Pharmacy. Since the first contact that I had with iMM, I saw mutual support within the community of this institution, which was quite appealing to me. Involving out stander researchers in different areas and having the possibility to also establish recognised international collaborations, the LisbonBioMed program appeared to me as an attractive and distinct PhD program, offering the knowledge and stimulating the skills I need to be an expert scientist. With this experience of four years, I hope to contribute to empower the development of Science.”